Code Breaker Solutions

Here are the solutions to the Odd Squad: Code Breaker ( that we discussed in The Code Breaker Game lesson. Typically, each level has several different complete solutions; i.e. walks that follow the number pattern and collect all three juice boxes. Remember that it’s OK to try each level multiple times – hopefully each failure brings you closer to the finish.

Solution of Code Breaker Level 1

Level 1

This level has many different solutions. For example, just walking straight up in the right column would work. But if you want to get all juice boxes, you have to make a few turns.

Solution of Code Breaker Level 2

Level 2

As in level 1, this level has multiple solutions. This solution grabs the juice box in the top-right corner last. Can you find a solution that grabs the juice box in the top-right corner first and still gets all three juice boxes?

Solution of Code Breaker Level 3

Level 3

There are 4 possible solutions that grab all three juice boxes. Can you find all 4 of them?

Solution of Code Breaker Level 4

Level 4

This level is little tricky. In order to get all three juice boxes, you have to walk all the way to the bottom-left corner and then come back. The walk on the picture is the only solution that grabs all three juice boxes.

Solution of Code Breaker Level 5

Level 5

Once you figure out the pattern, this level is actually quite easy. It has only two solutions that collect all three juice boxes. Can you find both of them?


Level 6

The numbers are getting bigger! The pattern is pretty easy but remember to traverse back to get all three juice boxes!

Level 7

This is the first level with an on-and-off electric discharge. In order to pick up all three juice boxes, you have to walk through the danger zone twice. Our advice is to not panic and always think 2 or even 3 steps ahead. And remember, it’s OK to try each level several times!

Level 8

This level has many different solutions but if you want to get all three juice boxes, you have to step into the danger zone 3 times! Wait for the discharge to complete and then make two quick steps, one into the danger zone and one out. Then take a break and do it again. And then one more time and you are done!

Level 9

The pattern is getting more interesting plus we have two electric beams! You have to walk calmly through the danger zone, don’t stop but don’t rush either. Good luck!

Level 10

Phew, no more electric beams, at least for a while. Sequence is pretty simple, just remember to step on number 12 to get all the juice boxes!


Level 11

You could be done just after first two steps but if you want all three juice boxes, you need to get all the way to number 20. Pretty easy, right?

Level 12

Another easy level, at least if you know how to count above 20. And if not, ask parents (or older siblings) for help. And if you want all three juice boxes, there’s only one solution.

Level 13

Still working on counting by one, but this time down. To get all three juice boxes, you need to walk all the way to number 1.

Level 14

Numbers are getting bigger but we are still counting down by one. To get all three juice boxes, you need to turn back on number 10. Still pretty easy, right?

Level 15

This is getting boring – we are counting down by one again! Hopefully the next level will be more challenging!


Level 16

Finally some excitement – electric beams! There is only one way to exit the room, just watch out for the electric discharge!

Level 17

Number pattern is pretty easy but in order to get all three juice boxes you have to step into danger zone 4 times!

Level 18

Numbers are getting really big. Can your child count that high? It’s OK to stop the game at this level and come back in a few weeks or months …

Level 19

No more electric beams but now the pattern is more interesting – count up by 2. Make sure to pick up all three juice boxes!

Level 20

Still counting by 2 but with bigger numbers. To get all juice boxes you have to walk up-and-down a few times.


Lesson 21

Counting up by 2 yet again, but this time with odd numbers. There is only one way to walk through the room.

Lesson 22

Counting down by 2. There are two different complete solutions, can you find them?

Lesson 23

Counting down by 2, this time with odd numbers. This level has two complete solutions; i.e. two paths with 3 juice boxes. And a few incomplete ones. Can you find some of them?

Level 24

This level can be difficult for many of the younger students. We are counting by two and using large odd numbers.

Level 25

Argh, the electric beams are back! Quickly move to the first tile before you get zapped by the electricity. After that, just time correctly the crossing of the danger zone.


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